Apply to Start a Branch in Your City


Requirements to apply:

  1. Be ready to welcome all women riders, on all types of motorcycles, with all skill levels (&/or LGBTQIA)

  2. Be 18 years or older

  3. Have 3 founders ready to start the branch including yourself


When will I hear back?

You can expect to hear back from our team within two weeks of submitting your application and at that point we will let you know if your branch has been approved.

What are you looking for in an applicant?

We consider MANY things when looking at applicants, some of them include

  • Founder mix - how much riding experience do the founders have combined?

  • How close are other branches? Does it make sense to start a branch in that area?

  • Have we received any information on the applicants showing them in a bad light?

We will never start a branch of The Litas if there has been any animosity with another branch, current founders, or other members, period. We have a NO DRAMA policy.

What if my application is denied?

Please do not be discouraged! All applications will not be accepted, and that could be due to many different reasons. We would still love to have you join our community of bada$$ babes!